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Renting Your First Apartment? Here Are 3 Things You Need To Know

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This is an exciting time in your life, but it can also be one of the most nerve wracking. While there will be many things you'll learn about renting along the way, there are some things you need to know at the outset of your renting journey. Below are three of those need-to-know things and how knowing them can help you as a tenant.

1. Your Landlord's Insurance Won't Cover Your Possessions

If your home is robbed or an accident happens, such as a fire, your possessions will only be covered by renter's insurance, something you're responsible for getting yourself.

Renter's insurance is a necessity, even if it's not required that you have it in your lease agreement. Not only will renters insurance cover the value of your possessions, but it can also protect you against personal injury claims if an injury occurs within your home, and it can provide you with the money necessary to house you if you're forced from your apartment for things such as water damage or fire. Renter's insurance is a low cost way to have peace of mind. For more information, visit websites like

2. The Relationship You Have With Your Landlord Can Make or Break Future Moves

Your current landlord will provide you with a reference in the future, so it's important to maintain a good relationship.

Late rent payments, noise complaints, and property damage can cause your current landlord to give a less than glowing review to future landlords and property managers. Even if you don't particularly like your landlord, it's still important to respect him and treat him with courtesy. Courtesy includes giving him a heads up if your rent will be late and paying a late fee, even if the rent agreement doesn't require one.

3. You Have Rights As a Tenant

As a tenant, you're protected from unfair treatment and inhabitable living conditions. To avoid such situations, it's important to know your rights.

While it can be difficult to deal with a less-than-ideal landlord, it's good to know that you are protected in the event that your landlord tries to violate your rights. Certain things, such as major home repairs and advance notice prior to entering your home, are your guaranteed rights under the law. If your rights are ever being violated, it's important to consult with your city's local housing authority or an attorney.  

While first-time renting can be scary, knowing the above three things can help to protect you now and in the future. 
